Your FREE Mom Boss Book

by Samarina Makhdoom

Unlock the Secrets to Achieving Family-First Financial Freedom (while maintaining Islamic values)

  • Learn how to escape the 9-5 grind and embrace a family-focused halal income.

  • Discover the strategies to create your dream life with better income and more time with your kids and actually pray 5 times a day.

  • Transform your Islamic values into entrepreneurial freedom and reclaim your life.

Does This Sound Like You?

Problem 1: Feeling Trapped in the Corporate Rat Race

"I have the right house, latest SUV, & my kids are in the best schools,

yet I am too tired to be fully present in my kids lives to instill my cherished Islamic values."

Problem 2: Struggling to Find Balance

"Expectations and pressure from in-laws and my husband, I feel like Islamic teaching are used to keep everyone else happy, but what about my Islamic rights?"

Problem 3: Too Overwhelmed to Add One More Thing

"I know there has to be a better way, but I’m scared of losing my paycheck. I want residual income but how?"


I, Samarina Makdoom (aka Rina) made it to the top of the career ladder as an electrical engineer and still felt empty. I knew that in the akhirah, I wouldn’t wish for more time at her job. I wanted more time with my 4 kids, just hanging out, teaching Islamic values, going on adventures, and actually relaxing enough to enjoy all of Allah’s blessing. I decided to take the leap and pursue a life that I could be proud of.

My journey was not easy. I gave up my multiple six-figure paycheck and years of sacrifice to build a new career from home. My drive and determination as a Muslim woman who rose in a male-dominated field fueled my entrepreneurial success. Now, I travelled to all seven continents with my kids, creating a legacy of amazing memories.

I am an ordinary Muslim mom. My story is proof that you can achieve financial freedom while prioritizing your family. I have time for self-care and friends. My faith and family dictate my schedule. Worrying about money is in the past. Because, I make more now than I did in my corporate job and enjoy a special relationship with my children because I chose to focus on living life to the fullest.

If you're Tired of Dealing with These Problems...

  • Feeling anxious while your kids are taught non-Islamic values at school?

  • Finding a community where Eid and Ramadan are a big deal.

  • Having so much pressure and expectations from my boss, my family, and having to push my dreams aside.

  • Struggling to do it all for in-laws and spouse, and wondering will I ever be a priority.

  • Tired of groups where you have to defend your faith or ask what is in the food.

Then the FREE Mom Boss Book is the Answer!

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